Berta Tilmantaitė, Artūras Morozovas, Kazimiras Jarmolovskis
Monotone Days (Vienodos dienos)

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Kodėl ir kaip?

Monotone Days is a professional multimedia documentary project about women who are locked up behind the high walls of Panevėžys Correctional Facility. The inmate population is diverse: there are women, teenagers, even mothers with children. The female population in the country is significantly smaller than the male. There are currently about 8-9 thousand inmates in Lithuania’s prisons. Only 300 of which are women. The figure of the female convict is still pretty much an unknown quantity in Lithuanian Society.This is just one of the reasons why it is harder for women to rehabilitate themselves into society and why employment is thin on the ground for female ex-convicts. Culturally speaking, delinquency in men is far more accepted. Rehabilitation for them is not easy but it is possible. There are jobs available. Society is more inclined to be forgiving. But for women, all doors are closed. There is a prescribed model that women are expected to follow: the responsible mother, the infallible wife, the obedient daughter, the dutiful worker or the content housewife. The convicted female, falling very wide of those expectations, can find herself ostracised at every turn. And her future is likely to be bleak. This Nanook multimedia project aims to acquaint the audience with the female prisoners and their stories about how hard is to rehabilitate for them into society, what is the feeling to be a mother in prison when your child is growing behind the bars and how difficult it is to not return into the prison again. In this project we provide stories, told through video, photography, animation and infographics about daily life of women and conditions in Panevėžys Correctional Facility. It is published on website - the first and only platform for documentary multimedia stories in Lithuania. Project Monotone Days is intended to ensuring equal opportunities, to reduces inequalities, improving women prisoners public status, involve community to spread the word about this problem and mobilise resources from different sources.

Kuo išskirtinis?

• Interaktyvus pasakojimo sprendimas skatina informavimą apie kalinčias nelaisvėje moteris. • Padeda mobilizuotis moterims, kurios kalėjo pataisos namuose ir išėjusios į laisvę ieško naujo darbo, draugų, namų. • Užtikrina vienodas galimybes, mažina nelygybę tarp skirtingų socialinių grupių. • Padeda užtikrinti socialinę, ekonominę, politinę įtrauktį. • Skatina įsitraukimą į pasaulinę informacinę visuomenę, pasakojimai pateikiami lietuvių bei anglų kalbomis. • Mažina ,,skaitmeninę atskirtį: tarp technologijomis apsirūpinusių ir jų neturinčių bendruomenių.

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